Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Why Math?

  Math is a way to be absolutely sure of something. Numbers don't change. For example, we will forever and always know that 2+ 2= 4. That is a fact that will never change. You need math in a TON of jobs whether you realize it or not. You can also use it when shopping to figure out the cost after a sale or your sales tax/tip at a restaurant, etc... 

There are kind of 3 different "doorways" when it comes to asking the question "Why Math?". Number one is a sort of spiritual doorway. Knowledge of math is part of understanding the order in creation and understanding the Creator. Doorway number two is a practical doorway such as building stuff, baking, sports, time, science, medicine, military, and history, just to name a few. You need math for all of these things in order to experiment in science, measure in baking, tell time, and so much more!!!! Lastly, doorway number three is personal, dealing with shopping, taxes, bills, college, etc... Everything having to do with you and what you do. Doorway number one stands out to me the most right now as I am learning a lot about how precisely and intricately God created this earth just for you and me!!!!

 Revelation 21:5 says, "... write, for these words are true and faithful." This verse stands out to me because math is just that!!!!! True and faithful. And we are to write and do it because of it. Not because we are forced to but because we enjoy writing that of which is true and faithful!!!!! 

Sunday, August 21, 2016


        My name is Virginia and this is my blog about geometry!! Here is a little bit of information about me!! Right now the 3 most important things to me are my family, volleyball, and school. This school year I am really excited about being in the fall musical, Into the Woods, playing Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother. I am anxious about my grades this year. Something you may not know about the is that I really love baking!!!

Until next time!!!
