Monday, October 17, 2016

Graphing a House on Desmos!

     So I just recently had a super cool assignment and opportunity to use all my graphing skills and knowledge to create a house on the graphing website, Desmos! I really love how easy this site makes graphing for me. I am a visual learner so being able to see my lines the second I type them in and seeing how positive, negatives, and lots of other super cool things affect my line, circle, equation, etc is so great and helpful! 
     The funnest part for me about this project was seeing how all of these little equations built up to make something other than just a blob of lines! Haha but it was honestly a super cool thing for me to watch the parts add up to the whole! 
     But the most challenging thing was trying to fit in exact measurements and make things connect, flow, and make sense for the way I wanted and envisioned! Attached is the finished product. A super fun and colorful little house under a BIG sun!!!! I highly encourage you to do something like this if you haven't already! 



  1. sorry that was my friend sike that was my mom sike that was my grnadma sike that was dead grandpa sike this kane hansker
